Sense of Numbness

Posted by Lisergic Synaesthesiae On Wednesday, April 27, 2011 15 comments
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15 Responses "Sense of Numbness"

  1. Cla Leal says:

    What a beautiful work... it´s impressive!!

  2. San says:

    WOW, this and your other pictures are amazing. LOVE THEM.

  3. Anonymous says:

    yes, if only could find something strong enough to hold on to.

  4. T. Becque says:

    An impression, a dream, an illusive memory - this photo has that quality - magical.

  5. Kaori says:

    The bricks have such texture. Love it!

  6. Martina says:

    I am not sure why, but the most prominent thing to me in this photo is not where the focus is, i.e. the bricks, but the the trees on the left side. I think they make all this work in the dreamlike mood I like so very much in your photography.

  7. thanks comrades, these last photos (except the Jesus' one) are the result of a flowing and confused walk into the ending of a wintry day...
    Few souls on my way but many tracks to unveil =)

    I'm trying to take out a more extended work, a kind of 'series'.

    @martina: I'm with you!
    Working on this my senses focused on the unfocused, and in particularly on the tree silhouettes. They appear so light and gentle and I'm sure they were releasing their roots becoming this sort of steamy presence, evanescent...nonmaterial.

  8. AB says:

    Nice impressionistic photo, great title

  9. Dóri says:

    like a painting, enchanting!

  10. Chris says:

    Eine beeindruckende Komposition!

    best regards

  11. Chris says:

    Eine beeindruckende Komposition!

    best regards

  12. Chris says:

    Eine beeindruckende Komposition!

    best regards

  13. Amazing. You really say so much with just one picture. I love your art, keep it up! :)

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  14. Ralph says:

    Great work. I like your picture. Please continue.

  15. Jeff says:

    Beautiful softness.

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