Paint Your Mental Environment

Posted by Lisergic Synaesthesiae On Sunday, July 11, 2010 11 comments

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11 Responses "Paint Your Mental Environment"

  1. brattcat says:

    Or keep your mind clear...

  2. Daniel says:

    Gosto muito desse tipo de foto, fotografo muito esse tema...
    Está esta perfeita, lembra muito um cantinho onde eu trabalho, e essa é a magia da fotografia, trazer recordações... é como perfume.
    Adorei seu blog, Parabens! :)

  3. T. Becque says:

    Nice texture and tones. I can see and almost feel the differece between the brick wall and the metal.

  4. Paula says:

    Great jewel-tones and image of the paint-defying brick.
    It's always good to have a rag at the ready for mental mop-ups.

  5. S says:

    Loved the atmosphere you've created.

  6. Unknown says:

    Love the colors :D

  7. Unknown says:

    Perfectly balanced! Well done!

  8. fabrizio says:

    un buon use della luce naturale in una cornice perfetta e completa mi sembra buona anche nell'esposizione

  9. Anonymous says:

    what a challenge. would probably use much of the blue, brown and whatever earth-related colour available. please have a great tuesday.

    daily athens

  10. Kaori says:

    Love the way you take your photos! I like to paint but have no talent for it :-)

  11. arabesque says:

    hi Lisergic Synaesthesiae! cool name! ^0^
    like the new look of this blog too!
    nice splash of colors, so vivid and love the textured walls.

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